if you are squeamish and/or think baby poop is disgusting, you'll want to stop reading here and definitely do not click the link below. i'm only writing about this because i'm sure it happens to everyone at some point and well, i thought it was pretty hilarious. curran and i were in the kitchen - i was putting dishes away and he was happily playing with a saucepan and a wooden spoon. i heard noises that sounded like a pretty big poop, but just kept doing what i was doing. a couple minutes later, i turn around and see one of the biggest messes i've ever seen, it was all over curran - his face, his hands, his legs, ewww! i took him straight to the tub and rinsed him off. came back to the scene in the kitchen and just had to take a picture of curran's cooking - i'm still totally confused as to how it actually got into the saucepan!!!
curran's cooking
(again, do not click that if you will be grossed out, lol)
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