ummm, has anyone seen my newborn?! he's about 6 months old, he just started crawling and now he's already pulling up on his knees! he's growing too fast! :(

my friend noel was telling me costco has this canned pancake batter that comes out like whip cream. i'm thinking, ew, that sounds pretty gross. then she says it's organic - she must have known that would sell me, LOL! so we couldn't resist when we saw it at costco on saturday. we always have pancakes on sunday mornings, brian makes really good pancakes!
the bunnell family review of organic batter blaster:
brian - they taste a little cardboard-y, but they're ok
kelly - the raw batter tasted mysteriously like baby formula, the pancakes weren't too bad, they don't really taste organic/fresh/natural though, i don't know, maybe because it's squirting out of a steel can...
estin and dade - they each devoured two plates of mini-pancakes, definitely a hit for them
surprisingly, we went through a whole can that morning! good thing they came in a 3 pack so we get to experience the batter blaster 2 more times, it was pretty exciting. but i think after that we'll go back to brian's yummy pancakes.