these aren't the best pics, it was late last night, i used the flash, and the kids had messy faces but i had to capture them wrestling ... curran is such a tough little kid!! it probably looks like he's getting tortured by his big brothers but he loved being a part of the action - he was either talking or giggling the whole time, lol.
today was so fun! claire and i planned a surprise birthday party for kate - she was very surprised! we even had christina's (estin's playgroup leader) family band come and play!! they are called just 4 mama and they are so good! i didn't get great pics but we all had a blast celebrating. :)
i thought these pics were pretty cute - it's funny how repetitive he is, he'd play with the window crank, then bang the window, then back to the window crank, then bang-bang again... it kept him busy for a good bit of time! he's just started cruising the furniture too - we wonder if he'll be our earliest walker. on a side note - a psychic at the high school's medieval festival read brian's fortune and revealed that we have another baby in the future ... hmmm ... who here trusts psychics? ;)