brian took these, he's improving! sorry again for the lack of pictures lately, it's been so nice outside we've been working away in the yard and i've been forgetting to take some! we recently got new phones and i have a bunch of cute pics on my phone but we haven't figured out how to get them onto the computer yet... hopefully soon. and i don't think i've mentioned this yet - BIG news! dade is potty trained!! didn't take him long at all, he started wearing undies in january, then took a little break when they went to colorado and for most of february, then in march he just jumped right in and hasn't looked back since!! it's so awesome having only one in diapers - woohoo!!
i am honored to be a part of an amazing online community of very talented work-at-home-moms (wahms) called fluff factory. twice a year we hold auctions at to benefit a charity that we have chosen. the auctions are going on right now and are benefiting st. jude children's research hospital.