their new favorite snack is yogurt with granola (estin says it's granilla), they'd eat it all day long. the best yogurt is wallaby organic vanilla. it's sweet enough on it's own, but they like to add honey or agave to it. sometimes i throw in a few chocolate chips too. i just get the bulk granola at the hfs.

did anyone see oprah yesterday? i was really impressed with dr. christiane northrup - particularly with her response to the question about the hpv vaccine and that a good immune system starts with the gut and a healthy diet. i'm going to look for her books at the library - mom, i think you'd like her stuff if you haven't already read some of it. she even talks about the 7 chakras on her site and suggested acupuncture a few times on the show. it's always refreshing (to me anyway) to hear of more alternative approaches for healthy minds and bodies on national television, especially on oprah!