little curry baby is 6 months old already!! time seems to go faster and faster with each kid, it's crazy. he is such a cool little guy. it's so cute how he watches estin and dade and gets upset if they take off to play somewhere else. if you're wondering what the heck he's chewing on, it's another "must-have" baby item of mine - i think they're called fresh food feeders or something like that, you can get them at target. we don't do jarred baby food at all, instead we just put a piece of something in this thing and he chews on it - so far he's had banana, apple, pear, and chicken! going to try avocado soon too. it's pretty cool!
estin was really cute when we were talking about curran's half birthday, he said "so curran will have his birthday in the night?" he remembered that curran was born in the middle of the night!
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